Majority of Echo readers call for more companies to pay employees weekly or bi-monthly

Readers have had their say on the issue.Readers have had their say on the issue.
Readers have had their say on the issue. | JPIMedia
The majority of Sunderland Echo readers have called for companies to consider paying their employees weekly or bi-monthly following recent survey results.

This news follows results from a recent Nationwide Building Society survey which found that a fifth of workers spent more than half of their spare cash for the month within the first 48 hours of receiving their wages.

In our recent online poll, we asked you: “Should more companies look to pay their employees weekly or bi-monthly?”

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Echo readers were keen to have their say on this as 65% voted yes while 35% voted against the idea.

Some readers would prefer to be paid weekly.

Graeme Collinson said: “It should be up to the individual how they're paid not the employer. I've been paid both monthly and weekly and believe me being paid weekly is by far the best way to be paid.”

Amanda Clayton said: “As a family we've had jobs where we've been paid both weekly and monthly and weekly is by far the better option for us. With regards to direct debits you can budget for the dates they come out or transfer the money into another account the transfer it back over when it's due out.”

Michael Mountain added: “Although people should budget, weekly pay was definitely better.”

Fiona Craik said: “We get paid monthly. It’s horrid.”

Some are happy with being paid monthly.

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John Coxon said: “Monthly allows all direct debits to be paid around same date, also makes budgeting easier thus saving money. Weekly or bi weekly was chaos for me as I became a payday millionaire.”

Vicky Robinson added: “No. All of my direct debits are organised around my pay date so it would be an absolute nightmare.”

Other readers believe that no matter when you get paid, it’s all about money-management.

Chris White said: “Regardless of how you're paid, it's up to you how you manage your money.”

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Brenda Crosby Scott agreed: “Surely it's common sense. You know how much you are getting paid and how long until your next pay day. Learn to manage your money!”

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