'Stay away from Durham' - plea for visitors to keep out of county

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A public health boss has urged visitors to “stay away from County Durham” in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a nationwide ‘lockdown’ for three weeks to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Citizens are urged to stay at home with exceptions including shopping for necessities such as food and medicine, exercising once a day, for medical need or to travel to and from work when “absolutely essential.”

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In a social media message on March 25, Director of Public Health for Durham County Council, Amanda Healy, urged people to follow Government guidelines.

The public health chief also extended the message to visitors, warning them to “stay away” as the pandemic is managed locally.

“I’m aware that people may want to visit County Durham, our beautiful coastline and the City of Durham,”she said.

“However, at this time we urge people to be sensible and to please stay away.

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“As an area that has always extended a very warm welcome to visitors, we find this a really difficult message to give.

“However, at this time we urge you to stay home and stay away from County Durham.

“This will help us in preventing the onward transmission of coronavirus, which is important for you and your family but also for our local residents and their families too.

“I appreciate that these are really difficult times for everyone but as soon as we are able to, we will welcome back visitors to County Durham with open arms.”

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Anyone leaving their home is advised to follow “social distancing” guidelines which includes standing two metres apart.

The public health boss said it was essential to follow Government rules to protect the vulnerable and slow the transmission of coronavirus.

“That includes every one of us, our friends and our close family,” she added.

“Our parks and open spaces remain open for people wanting to take their daily exercise.

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“But we urge you to stay to your local parks and spaces that are close to your home and to follow the social distancing rules keeping two metres apart and only exercising with anyone in your household.”

For more information on Durham County Council’s response to Covid-19, visit: www.durham.gov.uk/coronavirus

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