These pupils made the pages of the Echo in 2003. Recognise them?These pupils made the pages of the Echo in 2003. Recognise them?
These pupils made the pages of the Echo in 2003. Recognise them? | JPIMedia Resell

13 great retro scenes from Farringdon Primary School - but how many do you recognise?

We’ve got dancing, penalty kicks and re-enactments from British history in this great reminder of Farringdon Primary School scenes over the years.

In fact, we’ve got lots of fab photos to share with you, and each shows a nostalgic reminder of pupils at the school.

So take a look and see if you recognise the young sleuths from 2011, the dancers from 2010, and the children in hi-viz jackets from 2005.

If these scenes - and the many more we have included - bring back memories, the please get in touch and tell us more about your school days, the good and the bad!