How local pubs are doing their bit to support NHS and those in need during pandemic

The Stackyard has donated to food banksThe Stackyard has donated to food banks
The Stackyard has donated to food banks | Other 3rd Party
Pubs in Sunderland, Washington and County Durham are rallying round to support the NHS.

In line with Government restrictions in place to limit the spread of COVID-19, pubs have had to close their doors temporarily.

But many are still managing to be part of the community by reaching out to vulnerable people during the crisis, as well as helping the NHS where possible.

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Among those helping are The Woodlands in Rickleton, Washington, which is providing takeaway lunches for elderly people in the community; the Stackyard in West Herrington has donated stock to local food banks; and the Biddick Inn, Washington, has been offering takeaway Sunday lunches to elderly and vulnerable people.

Meanwhile, David Burnside, publican at the Chester Moor Inn, Chester Moor, and Stonebridge Inn, Nevilles Cross Bank in Durham, is opening up the pub car parks for NHS use.

He said: “I’ve let the hospital know that we are here and people are more than welcome to use our car parks during this very tough period for all us.”

David is also using the pubs’ supplier network to help provide local people with a few essential items at cost price. “We’re all in this together so I am just trying to do something small that will help people and perhaps make things a bit easier for them.”

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It comes as Sunderland Echo is running our #SupportLocal campaign to promote the amazing things our businesses are doing at this time.

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