Can you help in search for missing chihuahua cross Dixie?

Jake Bowman with Dixie.Jake Bowman with Dixie.
Jake Bowman with Dixie.
A desperate family is asking for your help in bringing their new dog Dixie home.

The three-month old chihuahua cross escaped her harness and got off her lead between 9.30pm and 10pm last night while out for a walk in Shiney Row.

Owner Jake Bowman, 18, told the Echo that the pooch just arrived at her new home yesterday, and that it was her first walk with the family.

Dixie has been missing from Shiney Row since last night.Dixie has been missing from Shiney Row since last night.
Dixie has been missing from Shiney Row since last night.

The dog went missing near to the village's church.

Her owners continued their search through the night, and are still appealing for her safe return.

If you have any information, call Jake on 07763827289.