Mum spared jail after woman ‘pulled to the ground and kicked’ outside Sunderland nightclub

The case was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' CourtThe case was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court
The case was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court
A single mum accused of pulling a woman to the ground and kicking her in the head on a night out in Sunderland has been spared jail.

Danielle Fowler was arrested after the incident outside Reuben’s Bar on May 24, a court heard.

However magistrates were not able to confirm who started the fight.

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The 22-year-old, of Frederick Street, pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour and appeared at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court for sentencing.

Prosecutor Glenda Beck said the incident happened about 1.30am.

She continued: “The complainant describes the female kicking her in the head and she sustained facial injuries.

“PC Robinson confirmed that he spoke to the victim who appeared panicked and hysterical with facial swelling to her cheek and a swollen lip.”

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CCTV footage shows the incident – according to police – but the court was not given access to it.

“The CCTV is said to show the defendant walking aggressively towards the victim before pulling her hair and pulling her to the ground.

“The defendant then is seen to kick the victim before being pulled away.”

Her defence solicitor argued that because nobody has seen the CCTV, and the victim has not cooperated with the investigation, it is not possible to ascertain who started the fight.

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“The reality is this is a young lady who is a single mum with a child.

“She has entered a plea at the first available opportunity, on a simple basis that she was minding her own business, went out on this particular night and she was attacked.

“She accepts that she defended herself initially and then went too far.”

After a lengthy break to consider the case, chairman of the bench Gordon Murphy told Fowler: “For this offence you will be given four weeks custody.

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“It is the nature of the attack including the kick to the head however this will be suspended for 18 months.

“We are not going to award compensation because we believe there was provocation.”

Fowler must attend rehabilitation days and carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

She was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £115 victim surcharge.