Sunderland serial sex offender found with depraved cartoon condemned by children's charity

William CarmodyWilliam Carmody
William Carmody
A children’s charity has condemned a serial Sunderland sex offender saying it is clear he 'continues to have a disturbing sexual interest in children'.

But Newcastle Crown Court heard an officer managed to grab the handset from him and found ten cartoon pictures depicting depraved abuse.

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Prosecutor Anne Richardson told the court the 44-year-old has a "prediliction with children, both male and female" and was on the sex offenders register and subject to a sexual harm prevention order due to his past convictions.

Now children’s charity, the NSPCC, has called for law enforcement and tech companies to work together to stop ‘vile content’ at the source. 

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Any image depicting child abuse – whether animated or not - is never acceptable, and it is clear that Carmody continues to have a disturbing sexual interest in children.

“Effective rehabilitation is crucial as part of his sentence. And law enforcement and tech companies must work together to cut this vile content off at source.”

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Newcastle Crown Court heard a troubling cartoon image of a child was visible on Carmody’s phone and a further nine images were found when the device was examined.

Judge Tim Gittins said having such images is "extremely serious", could be a "precursor to further contact offences being risked" and demonstrate a failure to alter past behaviour.

The judge sentenced Carmody to 22 months behind bars and ordered him to sign the sex offenders register and abide by a sexual harm prevention order for life.

The court heard Carmody believed the images were "less serious" as they did not involve actual children.

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Carmody has previous convictions for offences including indecent assault, gross indecency, exposure and outraging public decency, the court heard.

Children and young people can contact Childline 24 hours a day on 0800 1111. Adults concerned about the safety or wellbeing of children can contact the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 8005000.


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