Sunderland woman jailed after throwing a brick through a window just weeks after being released from prison

South Tyneside Law Courts.  Picture by FRANK REID. South Tyneside Law Courts.  Picture by FRANK REID.
South Tyneside Law Courts. Picture by FRANK REID.
A burglar given her freedom on licence has been jailed for hurling a patio brick through a window at a Wearside hostel and attacking a policeman sent to arrest her.

Charlene Craig, 32, of Close Street, Sunderland, was released from custody due to time spent on remand immediately after being given a six-month sentence for burglary at Carlisle Crown Court on April 9.

But on Saturday, May 2, she returned to her criminal ways after boozing with fellow guests at charity Changing Lives’ property in Sunderland, South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court heard.

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The group had a fall out which led to Craig leaving the premises only to return and throw the slab at the door when she found it locked.

She then climbed through an open window, damaging blinds, at which point police were called, it was said.

Jobless Craig was compliant when being dealt with by a female PC but kicked a male officer twice in shin when he went to lead her away.

She has now been imprisoned for four weeks after admitting assault and given a further two-week concurrent jail term after pleading guilty to causing criminal damage.

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District Judge Kathryn Meek told her: “Changing Lives is an organisation that helps people who are particularly vulnerable and who need support.

“You caused a significant amount of damage to the property, that they are going to have to sort out and which will use resources.

“Kicking always causes a significant amount of injury.”

Paul McAlindon, defending, said: “She was at the refuge and with other guests having a drink and there appears to have been an argument with two other residents that she reported to police and staff. She fled the property.

“She accepts that she threw a patio brick at a door. She also climbed in an open window and damaged blinds.

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“She was placed under arrest for criminal damage. She backheeled the officer, she did lash out at him twice.”

Craig was also recalled to prison for 28 days for breaching the terms of her licence which will run concurrently with her new jail term.

She must pay compensation of £200 to Changing Lives and £50 to the officer and £85 court costs.

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