Orange Full Hunter's Moon: how to see it in the night sky on 13 October

October's full moon will appear much larger and bright orange in skyOctober's full moon will appear much larger and bright orange in sky
October's full moon will appear much larger and bright orange in sky | Other 3rd Party
Being the month of Halloween, October often has an atmospheric and spooky feel about it as the nights turn colder and darker.

Even the full moon this month will be more out of the ordinary than usual, with a full Hunter's Moon expected to appear in the sky at the end of this week.

The Hunter's Moon

A full moon typically occurs once every month, when the Earth is positioned directly between the sun and the moon - but this Sunday (13 Oct) it will look a little different.

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The moon is expected to reach its peak this Sunday at around 5.08pmThe moon is expected to reach its peak this Sunday at around 5.08pm
The moon is expected to reach its peak this Sunday at around 5.08pm | Other 3rd Party

This is because October will bring a full Hunter's Moon, which will see the moon appear bright orange in the night sky.

Set to be appear on the night of Sunday 13 October, the moon should look larger and more orange than a normal full moon, due the fact it rises around sunset.

The Hunter's Moon is the closest to the autumnal equinox, when the sun shines almost directly over the equator, lending it a wonderful glowing orange hue.

How to see it

The Hunter's Moon is expected to reach its peak on Sunday at around 5.08pm, although it will appear full to the naked eye for around three days according to the Farmer's Almanac.

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The moon will only really be clearly visible after sunset and it is recommended that those who want to get a glimpse of it in the UK should head out for a walk after dinner in the evening.

Sunday 13 October is the only night in the month when the moon is in the sky all through the night, visible in the sky at sunset and setting around sunset the following day.

Due to the fact it rises from the horizon around sunset, it may appear much larger in the sky and bright orange in colour.

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