'The word should be banned until December 1' - 10 things you said about starting Christmas shopping early

Do you think it is too early to begin your Christmas shopping in September?Do you think it is too early to begin your Christmas shopping in September?
Do you think it is too early to begin your Christmas shopping in September? | JPIMedia
Online readers know how to box clever when it comes to spreading the cost of Christmas.

Responding to our latest Facebook poll – about whether you think it is too early to start buying presents – some of you confessed to beginning your shopping the previous Boxing Day.

Yet at the time of writing, around 55% of you still felt September was too soon to begin ticking off your shopping list.

Here is how you reacted on social media:

Peter Ord said: “Far too early to be promoting Xmas.”

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Chris Hall added: “The word Christmas or Xmas should be banned until December 1st.”

Valerie Gilbert argued: “Never too early. I usually start in the Boxing Day sales and Jan sales for the following Christmas

Pam Birch said: “I pay for vouchers every month from October to September then spend them.”

Barry Ward had a similar policy, and said: “Get the big ones in now for the kids so they are out the way and then the closer it gets get the smaller insignificant things.”

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Marie Judson said: “I start as early as I can to take the stress of December away so i can enjoy Christmas fully.”

Holly Rose James added: “We get most of our Christmas and birthdays shopping in the January sales every year. Saves a tonne of money.”

While John Grenfell is not against people buying presents when they want, he feels the shops themselves go too far too soon.

He wrote: “I couldn't care less when anyone chooses to do Christmas shopping. What I hate with a passion is Xmas displays, decorations and that wretched seasonal tape appearing in shops before the autumn half term.”

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Jason Bainbridge confessed: “I’m all done. Just waiting for the big man to make an appearance.”

We leave the final word – for now – to Simon Brian Jobson, who wrote: “I prefer to leave my shopping until around 12pm on the 24th December.

“It adds a little bit of excitement to the ordeal.”

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