Sunderland's new Northern Spire bridge will provide music for its own opening

Di Mainstone.Di Mainstone.
Di Mainstone.
Musical instruments which have been created from leftover materials of Sunderland's new bridge are to be used to celebrate its official opening next month.

‘Wonderloopers’ are the invention of artist Di Mainstone, who has been commissioned by Sunderland Culture as part of the Northern Spire’s IN-SPIRE project.

The instruments are created out of off cuts from the plastic casings and use kaleidoscopic mirrors, motion sensors and soundscapes composed by electronic musician Mandy Wigby.

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A WonderlooperA Wonderlooper
A Wonderlooper

There will be 14 of them installed on the bridge for the event on Sunday September 16.

Di said: “Once the visitor is inside the Wonderlooper they will see the bridge fragmenting and hear Mandy’s soundscapes, created from interviews with members of the community.”