November set to be a cold and wet with below average temperatures forecast

Walkers brave the cold windsWalkers brave the cold winds
Walkers brave the cold winds | JPIMedia
Winter is in the air, the nights are darker and the mornings are colder – so what does the month of November have in store for the region?

The start of the month is not looking great, as the Met Office predicts possible heavy rain fall and occasional showers across the UK, with limited dry spells. It’s likely to feel cold as windy gales are expected across the North East and this theme of unsettled weather will continue.

Although the outlook doesn’t look great, moving into the second week of the month it may become drier and cooler in the northern region but more rain is expected to move in from the south, which will turn wintry over the northern hills.

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The good news is this weather will erratically clear and move south eastwards towards the end of the week, and the weather will settle down by the weekend. Temperatures will be colder than normal exacerbated by the wind and rain at times.

In mid November the weather is expected to settle down but remain cold – there will be less rain, so it will get drier and there will be widespread overnight frosts. It is likely winds will switch from south easterly to south westerly which will bring more unsettled conditions across the region – this could mean wetter weather. But the overall outlook for the East of the country is dry and cool weather.

Temperatures towards the start of the month will be below average but will warm up towards the end of the month, and windy spells are possible.